Welcome to Oakbank Primary School
"Mighty Oaks from Little Acorns Grow"
Children are at the heart of what we do here at Oakbank Primary School.
Achievement - Compassion - Opportunity - Resilience - Nurture
Our vision, values and aims were developed in consultation with all stakeholders of our school community.
We aim
- to support, motivate and challenge everyone to achieve skills for life, learning and work
- to develop compassion by encouraging respect, empathy and kindness
- to provide a wide range of equitable opportunities to learn, grow and develop
- to build self-esteem and resilience to manage challenges and ‘bounce back’ 8
- to provide a nurturing environment where everyone thrives, feels valued and respected
The ethos of our school is very much about shared involvement, leadership and responsibility. We have several groups which ensure that pupils have opportunities to take on extra responsibilities and to be involved in many of the decision-making processes within our school. e.g. Digital leaders, House captains, Rights promoters, Community team, Languages group, Heath promotion, Safety group and playtime groups.